Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Senior Indian dance group

Kia Ora,

This are the steps for our Y5/6 Indian dance. Please remember to practise them at home.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Post from Room10

Bula Vinaka,
Room 10 had a discussion around our inquiry question. Have a look at what they came up with. 

Saturday, 5 August 2017

CPDS Kapa Haka

Kia Ora,

The school Kapa Haka gave a wonderful performance in Week 2. It was a so inspiring seeing the CPDS Kapa Haka students performing in front of the whole school. We were proud of our Room 25 Kapa Haka students. Ka Pai.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Weekly Inquiry

Bula Vinaka,
For the past few weeks, Room 25 has been working on our inquiry. We collaborate in groups of four , do research on a big question and then present our work to the class.

This week our big question is

What makes a person a good person? 

We brainstormed some ideas before we got started. Here is our brainstorm.